Thank you for coming to my site.I hope to make it well worth your while, in many ways.

I have written this site for you, for your benefit, and good!  I  am BOBTHEMAN.  You can call me Bob, my parents did.  I was introduced into this life as a man.

At first I just accepted that I was Bob.  Then I found out that Bob was gifted with and  possessed capabilities that others around him didn't have.  I didn't think that I was better, just different.  I then began to wonder where my understanding and my capabilities to came from. 

As I lived my life I learned that whatever I wanted, I could do, and that others just perceived me in a self centered way, as just another guy, which helped me more.  They never took the time to look and perceive who I actually was, and didn't care.  To them I was  just a guynamed Bob

I would like to thank "God" because "God" did , and went out of the way to help me.  Because of the world we "live" in life, so full of energies from gazillion beings, and the lazy, ignorant way we approach them, we usyually tend to be emotional food for them. The projection of evil, dark, negitive energies, intentionally sent by others, is a major cause of hurt, pain, and problems throughout this world, and my life.

 So, because I didn't "fit" in with the desires and wishes others set for me, the only way I could make them comfortable, and be successful, was to go out, "on my own" , and fulfill my desires, myself.  I have been there, done that, and lived to remember.  What that means for you is that what you want I may have already done, many times, and can help you to succeed.

So, what is your desire? 

Who, what, where, why, and when are you going to do what you need to do

to get what you want, know what you want to know, and become what you wish, to become? 

What are you willing to do to change your  life?

Throughout my life(s) I have been exposed to some unusual and very different experiences, and have responded in unusual ways.  Many of these are included in a short auto-biography I have written, and included herein in the MY BIO page.  I was raised in a very religious home where we attended and lived at church throughout every week of my young life.  I took my  spiritual life very seriously and was willing to challenge my beliefs and accept the answers, but the answers turned out to be completely different than what I had been taught or conditioned to believe or accept.  Because my desires for the truth were greater than my fears I have been willing to explore and search for answers where others might not or wouldn't go, and to accept the truth when others would look the other way, or hide. 

I have found that most people live self absorbed, immature, (they stopped growing as a child), driven and controlled  by shallow interests and drives, and happy to stay that way as much as they can.  Understanding that I have been able to use my understanding to identify their personalities, and quickly find what motivates and controls them, even before we physically meet.  My knowledge has put me in the homes of some of the world's leading VIPS, and in the top businesses in the world.  You don't have to read my biography, but you might find something precious or well worth your while inside.  Maybe the answers to questions you have had, and maybe the motivation you need to become...

There are several pages listed below with blogs I have written, and services I offer.  Please help yourself!




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